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Virtual Open House -> Absalon, DTU, KU

Invitation to Virtual Open House:
Biotechnology. Biomanufacturing. Biosolutions.
Sign up for our Virtual Open House and learn more about educational paths and careers in Kalundborg, the Biotech City.

Are you interested in subjects such as biology, chemistry, biotechnology and engineering? 

Do you have a curious and innovative mindset?

And do you want to contribute to the sustainable solutions of tomorrow? 

Studying in the Biotech City in Denmark could be just the right fit for you.

What to expect?

Join the Virtual Open House to learn (more) about the education programmes to be studied in Kalundborg:

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology (University College Absalon)
  • Industry Master of Science in Engineering, Biomanufacturing (Technical University of Denmark – DTU)
  • Master of Science in Biosolutions (University of Copenhagen – KU)

Representatives from Absalon, University of Copenhagen, and the Technical University of Denmark will tell you all you need to know about the programmes, application and admission, and there will be time for you to ask questions for students and staff as well. You will also meet the settlement team telling about accomodation, communities etc and you will hear from current students what life is like as a student in Kalundborg, Denmark.

You will not be visible on screen or be able to see other attendees.

Why Kalundborg, Denmark?

Kalundborg is called the Biotech City, because it comprises Scandinavia’s largest biotech and process manufacturing cluster. Here, you will find the world’s largest insulin factory, the world’s largest enzyme production, the world’s leading industrial symbiosis and Denmark’s largest refinery – to name a few. Companies e.g. include Novonesis, Novo Nordisk, Unibio, Lundbeck, and NNE. 

As the Biotech City’s industry grows, the educational environment grows with it

New education programs continuously join the growth journey, and you get to study at a newly built Campus with modern, state-of-the-art facilities placed right next to Kalundborg’s world-leading industry. You will in fact get your education in collaboration with the companies through internships, company visits, project collaboration, guest lectures, mentoring schemes etc.

We hope you'll join us!

Knowledge Hub Zealand
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
University of Copenhagen (KU)
University College Absalon
