The Teacher Education covers Primary and Lower Secondary (ages 6 to 16 years old). Students of Pre-primary (Pre-school) Education, please choose our course Children at Risk.
Campus Roskilde
Courses - Spring 2025
Semester runs from February 5 – May 31, 2025
We expect students to participate in our introduction week from February 5th. During this week, students will get knowledge of Denmark and Danish teacher education.
Choose between following courses:
10 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily English.
This course works with English as a second language: language and language use, language acquisition and communicative skills, and culture and society.
The focal point for the course is the didactics of second language acquisition and culture wherefore students work with developing practical elements such as learning activities, lesson plans, frames for feedback and scaffolding.
The course works with converting theory into practice and is therefore practical oriented.
This course is the second semester of English as a teaching subject.
See student charter: https://en.phabsalon.dk/sites/en.phabsalon.dk/files/2023-08/Student%20charter%20Teacher%20Education%20Programme%202023.pdf
10 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily English.
In our student charter the subject of English is a total of 50 ects divided into 5 semesters in total of 10 ects each. “Teaching English as a second language I” is the second module of Danish students choosing English as their main subject.
We can also offer “Teaching English as a second language II” if you need a total of 20 ects in English.
“Teaching English as a second language II” is the fourth semester of Danish students choosing English as their main subject.
See student charter: https://en.phabsalon.dk/sites/en.phabsalon.dk/files/2023-08/Student%20charter%20Teacher%20Education%20Programme%202023.pdf
10 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily German.
We might be able to offer German for 10 ects but ask the international coordinator first as this module might not run.
In this module you work with theoretical, practical and profession oriented approach to oral and written communication. This module works with the following questions: What is language? What is interlanguage? How to teach linguistic elements? The focal point is communicative competence in relation to the subject of teaching German as a second language including view on language and language acquisition.
See student charter: https://en.phabsalon.dk/sites/en.phabsalon.dk/files/2023-08/Student%20charter%20Teacher%20Education%20Programme%202023.pdf
10 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily English.
This course is about nature, outdoor living and exploring nature in a learning perspective. The course consists of fundamental knowledge of nature as well as knowledge about nature as a room for experiences, physical activities, challenge and learning to many of the school’s subjects. The nature and outdoor living works as a room for learning where pupils can develop individual competences and skills and where pupils are challenges physically and mentally.
10 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily English.
In this course, we will go on different field trips to e.g. museums and other sights. The course is a change for you to get an insight in Danish culture but also about how culture and cultural institutions is often implemented in the Danish school as part of given school subjects and children’s general education in school.
The course also give students an opportunity to do shorter periods of internship in a Danish school. Teaching language can be either English og Scandinavian.
In the course ‘Danish School Culture and Internship’, students must work with individual portfolios and at the end of the course there will be an oral exam with point of departure in student’s portfolios.
Campus Vordingborg
Courses spring 2025
Semester runs from February 5 – May 31, 2025
We expect students to participate in our introduction week from February 5th. During this week, students will get knowledge of Denmark and Danish teacher education.
Choose between following courses:
30 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily English.
30 ECTS credits. The module language is primarily English.
See student charter: https://en.phabsalon.dk/sites/en.phabsalon.dk/files/2023-08/Student%20charter%20Teacher%20Education%20Programme%202023.pdf
Please note, that University College Absalon does not offer housing for exchange students in Roskilde and that housing in Vordingborg is limited. It is therefore the student's own responsibility to find accommodation.
Read more about finding accommodation in Denmark here.