Admission requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology
Admission requirements
Admission requirements for international students include one of the following certificates:
- A Danish upper secondary school leaving certificate (STX, HF, HHX, HTX, EUX, GIF)
- The Danish/French Baccalauréat (DFB)
- The European Baccalaureate (EB)
- The International Baccalaureate (IB)
- The Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB)
- Another foreign qualifying examination certificate that can be equated with a Danish upper secondary school leaving certificate.
- Mathematics: corresponding to Danish A-level
- Physics: corresponding to Danish B-level or Geoscience corresponding to Danish A-level
- Chemistry: corresponding to Danish B-level or Biotechnology corresponding to Danish A-level
- English corresponding to Danish B-level
To document fulfillment of the specific admission requirements, you can attach a verification form to your application. The verification form must be completed, signed and stamped by the school where the entry qualification was completed.
In addition to official admission requirements mentioned above we are considering other qualifications as:
Entry level course into the program of engineering with
- Mathematics: corresponding to Danish A-level
- Physics: corresponding to Danish B-level or Geoscience corresponding to Danish A-level
- Chemistry: corresponding to Danish B-level or Biotechnology corresponding to Danish A-level
- English corresponding to Danish B-level
- Foreign or international access giving exam. If you are not sure whether your exam will grant you admission, you can read more about the requirement here
- Other basis for admission. If you do not fulfill the official admission requirements, but have other qualifications which can be ranked alongside, you can apply for admission on the exceptional permission via individual competence assessment.
Information about how to document English language proficiency
All applicants must document English proficiency on a level equivalent to the Danish upper secondary schools B-level, in order to qualify for admission to the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology.
If you do not have a qualifying examination with the required English level, you can fulfill it by passing and completing one of the following international English test:
- TOEFL with a minimum score of 83
- IELTS with a minimum score of 6,5
The test result must not be older than two years from the applications deadline. The application deadline for foreign applicants is the 15th of Marts (Noon).
Information about the tests and how to register, please visit their website:
- Motivational letter in form of an English spoken video. (Notice this only applies to applications from 2025)
The motivational video will be assessed based on the following topics: motivation, communication skills and understanding - Relevant C-A-level subjects with a minimum grade of 7 (equivalent to ECTS grade C) in the following subjects: Biology, Biotechnology, English, Physics, Geoscience, Chemistry, Mathematics, Technology, Engineering subjects – Construction/Energy, Engineering subjects – Processing/Nutrition/Health.
- Minimum grade of 7 in the major final exam in the upper secondary school leaving certificate.
- Minimum grade of 7 in passing the ‘Entry level course of Engineering’.
- Relevant professional work experience and military service minimum 15 hours pr. week/ minimum 2 months.
- Educational activities above upper secondary school level.
- Passed subjects on a higher education programme, minimum 1 semester.
- Relevant courses, introduction progammes and other relevant activities, minimum 1 month.
- Relevant internship, minimum 1 month.
- Folk High School with relevant courses, minimum 4 month.
- Relevant unpaid volunteer work.
By giving weight to additional admission criteria as professional experience and other – only period of maximum 12 months will be taken into account. nr. 1495 af 11/12/2017 Declaration reg. access to vocational education and professional education.
We will recommend you to enclose a curriculum vitae (CV) to your application.
Do not enclose a motivation letter to your application.Documents having signification to admission should be uploaded together with your application latest on March 15th 12:00AM CET. Only documentation proving activities which have been completed and documentation sent by 15th of March will be taken into consideration. However the whole period stated on the contract will be taken into account in cases of military service and secondment, regardless if contact period is terminating after deadline of application yet latest up to the start of the study year.
- Motivational letter in form of an English spoken video. (Notice this only applies to applications from 2025)
If you do not have a qualifying examination with the required Mathematic level, you can supplement your exam with a Mathematics test. A passed test can be included in our assessment of your overall mathematics qualifications when you apply for admission through individual competence assessment.
We will take the following test into account:
Applicants with non-Danish entry qualifications should be aware that it is advisable that the Mathematics and Chemistry topics listed in the document Syllabus Math and Syllabus Chemistry were included in previous studies.
The established quota distribution is for quota 1: 65% and quota 2: 35%
If you apply, and need to grand someone power of attorney, to fulfill your application and ask questions on your behalf, then you have to fill out this Power of attorney. The power of attorney you have to upload to your application at
Students who are foreign citizens can if they fulfil some specific conditions, be granted equal rights status with Danish citizens and thus be eligible to apply for SU (state educational grant).
Application deadlines
Quota 2: 15 March at 12.00 noon
- Application deadline for all quota 2 applicants
- Application deadline for all applicants with an international entry examination; including applicants holding an International Baccalaureate
- Deadline for submitting documentation for quota 2 assessment on Documentation for supplementary subjects or other relevant documentation which is not finished before the 15 March can be uploaded to your application at until 5 July at 12:00 noon.
Quota 1: 5 July at 12.00 noon
Only applicable to applicants holding a Danish entry examination